Lorraine - PLW (useful info and links) Lorraine, our Parent Liaison Worker, has put some information on her PLW pages of the website to help those of you at home with the children trying to manage home learning etc.
MICROSOFT TEAMS SESSIONS START ON MONDAY! Parents and carers of children in F2 to year 6 will have received an email this afternoon all about the Microsoft Teams sessions.
Food Support Just wanted to remind you all about some help with food. We recognise that for many of you out there life may look very different from a few months or even weeks ago.
Important information about school places Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for bearing with us this week whilst we try and finalise those children who are in school and our remote learning offer.
St Martin's Zoomy Christingle It has been a hard year for everyone and St Martins Church wondered whether any of our families would like to join them for a lovely Christmas tradition they have at St Martin's.
International dimensions – our learning so far this year We are committed to encouraging our pupils to learn more about the world around them, their relationships with others and their place on our planet as global citizens.
Coloured Hamper Raffle Just thought you might like to see the beautiful hampers that we made with all your coloured donations.