Calling all Nursery and Foundation parents You may remember before Christmas the nursery and foundation children drew pictures of themselves which were then put onto a tea towel. We still have some remaining and wondered if anyone would like to buy one to commemorate the year.
Seely Out of School Club Closure - info and update Dear Parents,
We have been informed that some people missed the communication from the Seely Out of School Club detailing their closure at the end of May which was issued last week.
Closure of Seely Out of School Club Parents who have been using the Seely Out of School Club for childcare have been notified today of their decision to close at half term due to financial pressures - see copy of the notification attached.
Yr 3/4 Basketball Club - problems with payment / places We apologise for the issues some of you may have experienced with booking for the year 3/4 basketball club running from Monday 10th May. We had a very high take up and as the letter detailed, only 25 places were available.