Seely's Seasonal Stroll - 7th- 18th December We are asking families to decorate their front garden or window. We will then be producing a map so that all families can take part in strolling around the neighbourhood spotting everyone's creativity.
Anti Racism Questionnaire At Seely we are proud of the diversity of our school and we are committed to creating an atmosphere of inclusion for all.
**IMPORTANT – YEAR 6 PARENTS** Please ensure you have applied for your child’s secondary school place by the deadline of midnight on Saturday 31st October 2020.
Parents’ Evening: Autumn Term, Years 1- 6 Parents’ Evening meetings will be held this year during the weeks beginning 16th and 23rd of November. We will be offering parents and carers virtual meetings with class teachers or telephone calls if you prefer.
Home Learning Survey - reminder We've had just over 300 responses to our Home Learning Survey, which is fantastic, but we are still short about 200 replies and we really need ALL families to respond.