School Trips
Whilst payments for trips have to be voluntary (as we cannot charge for these additional activities) there must be a minimum contribution we are able to raise in order for a trip to take place, as the school has a large and diminishing budget to manage. As a school we are extremely mindful of minimising the cost passed onto parents and indeed fund many trips ourselves, or look for free options where only the bus fare is required.
The majority of visits are organised in advance and we always try to ensure that as much notice as possible is given to parents re dates and costings, although you will hopefully appreciate that sometimes an opportunity arises very quickly that we need to take advantage of. Teachers are trying to let parents know at the start of each academic year which trips, and possible costings, are likely to happen that year, to give you as much notice as possible.
We surveyed parents a while ago about payment options and, as a result, we now offer flexible ways of paying; either the full amount in one go, or in installments for larger amounts (residentials etc). Seely is a cashless school so you are required to pay on-line via the Arbor app or Arbor Parent Portal (please speak to the school office to arrange this).
There is no disputing that school visits enhance the educational experience of children enabling them to apply their learning in a different context. We will always continue to offer these educational experiences and rely on parental support for these to go ahead. The staff are committed to sourcing educational and cost-effective trips that support the learning that occurs in the classroom, however on occasion, if we are unable to raise sufficient funds through voluntary contributions, trips do unfortunately have to be cancelled
Extra school contributions for pupils for families in receipt of certain benefits are available (but not necessarily for all trips). Please see the class teacher for initial discussions about this.
Of course, it goes without saying that you can always come to see us if you need an extension to a payment period. We will always endeavour to do what we can to help you with payments.
Thank you