School Uniform Policy

We recommend that all uniform items be clearly labelled with your childʼs name.

We do not expect branded items to be worn but if you want to purchase branded uniform it is available via the links below.

We also have a pre-loved uniform shop where worn / secondhand items can be purchased from 50p per item. The uniform shop is held after school on the playground multiple times per term (dates of the uniform shop are announced via the school app)

 jumper  tshirt



School Uniform Policy 24-25

Children are required to wear a selection from the following: -

  • Red cardigan or sweatshirt/jumper
  • Grey or black skirt or pinafore
  • Grey or black trousers
  • Red and white summer dress (striped or checked)
  • Black sensible shoes
  • White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
  • White, red or grey tights or socks PE Days
  • White T-Shirt
  • Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
  • Black or white trainers/plimsoles

Please note on PE Days, red school jumpers should still be worn with PE kit and can be removed for PE lessons.

The only jewellery permitted in school are stud earrings

Please ensure all uniform is named with a permanent marker or a clothing sticker, to avoid items being lost in school.

 In the event of items being mislaid, we do have lost property boxes in both sides of school. Please ask at reception if you wish to look through them for any lost belongings.