Applying for a School place
Seely Primary and Nursery School is a City of Nottingham Local Authority maintained school. Admissions to school are organised and managed by the Nottingham City Schools Admission Team.
If you would like to apply for a place at Seely Primary and Nursery School or require further information relating to;
- First admission to Infant, Primary or Junior school
- Transfer to secondary school in Year 7
- In-year school places
- Starting school for the first time
- School Admissions Appeals
Further information and a copy of the admission criteria for Seely Primary & Nursery School, following Nottingham City guidance can be found on the Nottingham City Website:
For admissions to Primary Education 2024/25:
Going to school in Nottingham 2024/25
Admissions arrangements 2024/25
Nottingham City Council Appeals/Coordinated scheme
For admissions to Primary Education 2025/26:
Going to school in Nottingham 2025/26 - not yet available
Admissions arrangements 2025/26
Nottingham City Council Appeals/Coordinated scheme
DRAFT proposed Nottingham City Council Admission Arrangements 26/27