Attendance officers are vigilant at monitoring and acting upon poor attendance to ensure it is in line with national attendance. There is a weekly attendance briefing with the school attendance team to discuss current data and highlight and target any pupils whose attendance is of concern. First day contact is in place for any absences.
Updated guidance from the government became mandatory from 19th August: ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ and the school policy has been updated accordingly.
A tiered approach to attendance is in place:
Tier 1 – universal strategy for all pupils, staff, parents, agencies
Tier 2 – individual strategies for those at risk of PA
Tier 3 – children who have year on year PA – involvement of external agencies – look at risk factors, Adverse Children Experiences (ACES) to make individualised plans for these children.
We talk about absence more in terms of days' loss of learning time. We cannot authorise term time holidays.
School is using the Priority Education Investment Areas (PEIA) offer to support children at risk of persistent absence.
An attendance matters section of the newsletter updates parents with school practice once every half-term.
Please see below links to the "Miss School, Miss Out" Videos, to help parents and carers learn more about why it's so important for children to be attending school, and the impact that being absent can have on learning and wellbeing.