Community Wellbeing

Wellbeing at Seely


Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of our school. We recognise that, like physical health, we all have mental health, and it is important that we talk about this with our pupils. Talking about mental health helps children learn, cope with challenges, and develop resilience. We understand that children and young people are more effective learners when they are happy and well and that we must take care of our staff and pupils’ wellbeing to create a culture that allows everyone to reach their potential.


PSHE Curriculum

Wellbeing and mental health are built into our curriculum. We follow the SCARF program from Coram Life Education. SCARF helps children develop mental health and wellbeing through Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons. Our PSHE curriculum helps children develop essential life skills, including emotional well-being and social skills.


Mental Health Support Team

We have partnered with the Mental Health Support Team who are actively involved in our school. Lyndsey Taylor (our Educational Mental Health Practitioner) supports our pupils’ mental health by:

1) Offering evidence-based support for mild-to-moderate mental health issues. Delivered through workshops, 1:1 or group support.

2) Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP’s) and a team of specialist practitioners assist the Senior Mental Health Lead (Mrs Denness-Hulland) to develop our whole school approach.

3) Provide guidance to teaching staff and connect with specialists to ensure children and young people receive the right support and stay in education.


Parents and carers can refer their children to MHST by speaking to their child’s class teacher or referring directly via this link -


VIDEO LINK - Intro to Mental Health Support (Primary)


We also have two lovely school councillors who work one to one with pupils. Nicky and Adam. 


Wellbeing Ambassadors

Seely has a team of fully trained pupil leaders called ‘Wellbeing Ambassadors’ working across Key Stage 2. The Wellbeing Ambassadors undergo extensive training with Lyndsey to enable them to support pupil wellbeing. They also run a daily Wellbeing Club in our Wellbeing Zone. Seely’s Wellbeing Ambassadors have been identified as being exceptionally well deployed and embedded and we are very proud of the contribution they make. 

Our Wellbeing Zone is a calm space on the KS2 playground. It contains beanbags for chilling out on. Mindful activities, fidget toys, soft toys and, most importantly, Wellbeing Ambassadors to support their peers. It is open to anyone who needs some time out or to talk to an ambassador.



We’re very luck to have a fully trained mindfulness practitioner here at Seely too. Mrs Katz, one of our teaching assistants, runs weekly mindfulness sessions for pupils on Friday afternoon.


Mental Health Support

 If you or your child would like support with mental health, we would recommend these websites:

Bereavement Support

If you are struggling to process grief or to talk to your child about bereavement, you may also find some of the following links helpful. Please click on the images or links below. 

Also, please come and speak to us in school. We are here to support everyone in our school community.