SEND coordinator: Ms Kate Gaunt

Contact: 0115 9153780 or

Please click on the links below for SEND information and documents as described. (Documents will open in another page and can be downloaded).


Rainbow Rooms (RRs)

At Seely Primary School, we have two additional learning spaces (one in KS1 and one in KS2), which are dedicated to our SEND learners. The children who access these spaces have significant communication and learning needs and either have an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) diagnosis or are on the pathway for one. The majority have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and all have Personal Learning Plans and receive Higher Level Need (HLN) funding. There are no more than 6 children in each room and they are staffed by 3 TAs who are overseen by the SENDCo.
As in the main classrooms, the aspirations for our learners are high. As educators we believe that it is our role to enable all children to succeed. Therefore, the focus in the Rainbow Rooms is very much on the process of learning rather than the outcome. Time is spent reinforcing routines and the behaviours needed for learning for example there is an expectation that the children will complete their work at the table. This is to help children to develop the concentration and resilience needed to learn. Throughout the day there are opportunities for the children to have their sensory needs met either in the sensory room or with resources in the RRs.

Daily Routines

Rainbow 1
Children go straight to the RR to lessen the number of transitions during the day. After the welcome, children will engage in either an Autism Attention session or Phonics. Throughout the day children will be able to access continuous provision with activities linked to the topic that is being taught across KS1. They will join their peers for break time outside. Snack time is a valuable opportunity to develop communication skills and Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) programmes will be delivered during the day. Children will have both a Maths and Writing activity in the morning as well as some time in the sensory room. In the afternoons children will have focused activities before joining their classes with support. Whilst they are in class other SEND children will be accessing social skill sessions.

Rainbow 2
Children go straight to their classrooms for register and then after a short, focused activity will meet in RR2 for Maths, Reading and Writing. They will join their classes for break time. With support, in the afternoon they will return to their classrooms to access adapted activities in the foundation subjects. One afternoon the children will access life skills and on another sensory circuits, Other SEND children who will benefit from these activities join them.


Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths is measured using B Squared. Initially the Early Steps are used and when completed children are moved onto the Primary version. The outcomes of these are used to inform planning and to set the termly targets on each child’s Provision and Learning Plan.

The Curriculum

Curriculum Intent
As with the curriculum in the mainstream classrooms, the intent is to provide the children with an aspirational and engaging curriculum that they can access. Balanced alongside the expectation for the teaching of knowledge is the need to teach the children how to learn and their ability to communicate. Without these skills and the necessary resilience, they won’t be able to retain the knowledge or transition back into mainstream classrooms in the future.

Implementation of pedagogy
Each Rainbow Room has a timetable with clear routines. Core subjects are taught in the morning with activities being delivered in a meaningful way. Children are expected to use communication boards to ask for what they want or need. Children are able to revisit learning in continuous provision. They also access some learning with support in their class. They too access the wider curriculum such as Forest school and are included in trips off site.

Outcomes and Impact
Over time, the children will increase their ability to focus and concentrate and therefore be able to learn and retain information in line with their ability. Their vocabulary and use of language will be improved and children will be able to use this.

Core subjects
Rainbow Room 1
Read Write Inc phonics is delivered at the correct level – this also provides children with a 1-1 reading book to
Writing is purposeful and linked to a book and children will write a simple sentence linked to it. Some of the books are linked to the topic and some are chosen because they are classics that inspire the children’s learning and language.
Maths is planned for using White Rose to ensure progression. The children are often accessing a lower year group and the pace will be slower than in class, with several opportunities to revisit concepts, than in class with plenty of opportunities to use manipulatives.

Rainbow Room 2
Reading is taught using the Read for sense program which builds up a child’s sight recognition.
Writing linked to a topic-based book. Children are taught a word of the day that related to the section of the book they are reading and then they will use this in simple sentences.
Maths is planned and delivered using White Rose. The level that the children are accessing is determined by the outcomes of their B squared assessments.
Foundation subjects are accessed either through continuous provision or by adapted activities in the classroom.

Communication Skills.
Speech and language recommendations and programmes are delivered daily. Children are encouraged to use communication boards and simple Makaton signs to communicate. Social skills are explicitly taught in groups with other SEND children and good role models.

Sensory Diet.
Children have opportunities to access the sensory room. They also have regular opportunities to use the trim trail in KS 1 or the trampoline in KS2. Preconception is also addressed and sensory circuit sessions are run.