Fly Tipping Poster - Competition Reminder Just to remind you that any posters for this competition need to be at the school office by the morning of Thursday 27th January please. Further info below.
A message from the Chair of Governors Dear Seely Community. We just wanted to give you a quick update since our Head Teachers announced their retirement last week.
NEW MENU PREVIEW Please see the School Meals pages of the website for details of the NEW menu from after Feb half term.
POSTER COMPETITION FOR YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY Sherwood Councillors are launching an anti-fly tipping campaign to create awareness about reducing fly-tipping and to make Sherwood a cleaner place to live.
Dangerous Driving around School We are being notified about some seriously dangerous driving around the entrance to the Perry Road gates / crossing, especially in the mornings.
Family Learning Are you interested in you and your family staying safe online?
Update from the Headteachers It is lovely to have school up and running again today. Just to keep you up to date, this is the latest guidance we have received from the DfE regarding the reduced isolation period;