Christmas Hampers - Raffle Just a reminder about the colour themed hampers for the Christmas Fair next week. The deadline for donations is Friday morning.
Seely out of School Club UPDATE We have just heard from the managers of the club that their licence has been re-instated as from tomorrow morning.
Children in Need Thank you to everyone who donated to last weeks Children in Need fundraising, non uniform "Go Bright" day.
REMINDER: Christmas Performance Tickets ON SALE NOW See below for information regarding Christmas performances / times etc.
First allocated tickets of 1 per child are available to reserve until Thurs 29th Nov. If you do not request your ticket, it will be allocated to the reserve list.
Important and urgent: Seely out of school club closure. Some of you will have no doubt heard that the out of school club has been notified to close, with immediate effect. This is enforced by Ofsted and has been caused by an administration error leading to an unpaid registration bill.
Schools Catering - Annual Parent/ Guardian Survey As part of their commitment to delivering great customer satisfaction, School Catering at Nottingham City Council are consulting our customers for their feedback.
Christmas Performances - ticket information CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCE TICKETS: 2018
Christmas Performance Tickets for Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 will be available to reserve between Monday 19th November and Thurs 29th November.