Primary School League Tables14 December 2018 (by admin) |
As you might be aware from the news, the primary school league tables were released yesterday with the official SATs results from 2018.
You can view them at:
If you then search by local authority, you can compare Seely’s results to the other 92 Nottingham city schools with Key Stage 2 pupils.
It is worth mentioning that when compared we were:
- 50th out of 92 schools for the percentage of pupils achieving reading + writing + maths at the expected standard
- 19th out of 92 schools for the percentage of pupils achieving reading + writing + maths at the higher standard
- 12th out of 92 schools for progress in reading (reading progress is labelled as above average)
- 38th out of 92 schools for progress in writing (writing progress is labelled as average)
- 3rd out of 92 schools for progress in maths (maths progress is labelled as well above average)
- Above the national results for the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading and maths
- Above the national results for the percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
We’re really pleased with these results as they reflect the hard work from all staff in school to ensure that children leave at the end of Key Stage 2 having made good progress from their starting points. We are continuing to work hard to embed the good practices which enabled us to achieve these results.
Thank you.