FREE Creative Workshops with The Young Hustlers The Young Hustlers are running a series of FREE creative workshops at Nonsuch Studios (92 Lower Parliament St, Nottingham) at the end of September and throughout October.
The Scout Association - Open Day 22nd September 2019 1st Daybrook and Woodthorpe Scouts are holding an open day at the Church of Good Shepherd on Sunday 22nd September for families to find out more about how children can join the Scouts and what Scouting has to offer.
Nottinghamshire Hospice Fundraising Result Thank you to all of the children who decorated the glass jars so beautifully for the tea light fundraising project for Nottinghamshire Hospice.
Book bags for sale... We have 20 book bags for sale for £2.50 each (see attached picture) - they would more be suitable for Reception / KS1 ages as they are slightly smaller than the branded school book bag.