Breaking News! Summer 2019 National Comparisons! We hope you have seen the Primary League tables, but just in case you haven’t we want to say how absolutely thrilled we are about our position not only in Nottingham but within England as a whole.
More pictures from the Lakeside Exhibition Further to the recent news article about childrens work on display at Lakeside, please see attached some more pictures of the brilliant work they have contributed to.
Lakeside Arts Centre - Children's work on display. These large wooden panels were painted by Year 1 & SEN pupils from across the school. Ten children are going to see them displayed in the Wallner Gallery in the Pavilion at Lakeside Arts Centre.
Christmas Hampers Raffle for the Christmas Fair Following on from the success of the last 3 years Christmas Hampers we will be doing this again with the help of all you parents out there. These will then be raffled off at the Christmas Fair on Wednesday 4th December
Gurdwara visit, 19th November. Courtesy Notice for 2B, 2S and 1/2A parents. All children in these classes will be visiting the Gurdwara on Tuesday 19th November as part of our RE curriculum.
Stonebridge Farm Children's Collection One of our pupils, Evie Henley, has been highly praised for encouraging others to collect small change in jam jars in aid of the amazing Stonebridge City Farm.