Message from The Lime Trees re. 2021 Summer Academy We are delighted to confirm that the bookings for The Lime Trees Summer Academy are open and for a short time we will be offering an early bird discount for anyone who books their child/children on before June 30th (see flyer attached)
School Diversity Week Dear Parents/Carers, Seely is celebrating School Diversity Week on 21st – 25th June.
Seely Safari Sale Your child will be bringing home a flyer today about this exciting event which is happening in Sherwood on Saturday 19th June.
Go WILD with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust 30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge across the UK where we ask the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June, including here in Nottinghamshire.
Parent Carer Virtual Support Group Join Nottinghamshire Carers Hub for information and advice on SEND support at school / college, transition and EHC plans.