Seely Summer Fair 2023 The weather was kind to allow our summer fair to be a roaring success and lots of fun.
Sports Days 2023 The rain held off for KS2 sports days and we managed to rearrange the KS1 Sports events onto the school playground.
Link Governor meetings at Seely Last night's link governor staff meeting was a huge success, with subject leaders and governors delving into subjects together.
Year 6 Water Fight 2023 The Year 6 water fight was a particularly fun occasion, with children and staff having so much fun and getting totally drenched!!
Meet the Teacher Dates Due to some parents/ carers having children in different classes, the ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions 3:30-3:45pm will be as follows:
School Milk - changes to the service We have just been notified that Fresh Pastures can no longer supply our KS1 Free / paid school milk. We have had no explanation but we believe they may have gone into administration.