Seely Winter Fair 2023 We had a fantastic Winter Fair on Wednesday night, with so much fun and so many festivities.
The Diversity Defenders make plans for the new year Our Diversity Defenders worked incredibly hard during our second meeting today to make exciting plans for the new year. We’ve got plans for World Religion Day, a competition to design a diversity banner and a play for EYFS and KS1
The Rainbow Rangers make inclusion posters Our Rainbow Rangers Pupil Leadership group had their second meeting today and ticked off the first thing on their action plan - making posters for the corridors to encourage kindness and acceptance to the LGBT+ community ❤️
Christmas at St Martin’s Church Year 5 and 6 had a wonderful, immersive Christmas experience at St Martin's Church this week.
Bake it and Eat it at Seely F2 have been ticking off another '60 things to do at Seely' - bake it and eat it.
Me vs Me Year 4 had a great time taking part in this morning’s Me vs Me sports event.