Seely Primary and Nursery School News

School News

The latest news stories from Seely Primary and Nursery School.


News Stories

  • Safeguarding Info for new devices
    See attached from National Online Safety with tips on how children can stay safe this Christmas with any new devices.
  • KS2 event Info for next week - for your action
    To celebrate the end of term, we are letting the children in KS2 (Years 3-6) have a toy day in school.
  • Coloured Hamper Raffle
    Look at these beautiful hampers!! They are the best yet - filled with some beautiful gifts. These are now being isolated before they are given out next week.
  • Re. Government Announcement re. next Friday 18th Dec
    Dear Parents and Carers, Following government announcements yesterday we have spoken with our Chair of Governors and local Headteachers and decided to remain open as normal until the end of Friday 18th December.
  • Hamper offer
    2020 has been a difficult year for many people and some families have struggled financially for a range of different reasons. At Seely, we have been offered some food hampers to pass on to families who might be in need over winter/the Christmas period.
  • Christmas Lunch and Year 3/4 Christmas Party Lunch - Important information
    Due to the catering team needing to arrange deliveries for next week - we can not accept anymore requests for Christmas Lunch (on Weds 9th Dec) for children after noon TODAY.
  • Reminder: Nourish Food Project
    This is a reminder about the Nourish food project which is giving out free cooked food to local families who are struggling. Pick up is from The Crimson Tree between 3.15 and 4.30pm TODAY and every Monday. See attached flyer.
  • Christmas Hampers and Raffle
    Hi Everyone. We are extending the deadline for Coloured Hamper goods to next Friday 4th December as we have been informed many have missed the previous messages from earlier in November on the App.
  • Flu Vaccinations - Catch up session 4.12.20.
    There are spaces available for the Catch-up flu immunisation visit on Friday 4th December if your child missed the original visit.
  • Anti Racist Policy Questionnaire
    Thank you to all the parents and carers that have completed the Anti-racist policy questionnaire so far. Your views are an important part in developing our policy.
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