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  3. Important Attendance Reminder / Tips

Important Attendance Reminder / Tips

31 January 2019 (by admin)

See below Attendance Information from Mr Hilton.

Though we have a significant number of children whose attendance has remained very high since September, attendance overall is less good, at only 95 % (the equivalent of every child missing a half day’s learning every fortnight) - enough to have a negative impact on the learning and development, and enjoyment of school, of individuals and groups.

Some absences are unavoidable: if absence is forced by illness such as physical sickness or something more substantial/long-lasting, please contact school [0115 9153780, option 1] as early as possible on the first day and on each subsequent each day of absence, so class teachers may be alerted as soon as possible.. Other good practices include:

Avoid taking your child out of school (even for short periods of time) for non-urgent medical or dental appointments;

Remember to bring evidence such as reminder text message, referral letter or appointment card for school-time medical appointments; and

Don’t let an ordinary cold (including symptoms such as runny nose and slightly raised temperature) keep your son or daughter away from school – we will always contact parents/carers if a child is too ill to be in school.

Taking opportunities to improve attendance will benefit the whole school community.

(see the school "Attendance" page for more information about how we manage attendance at Seely)

Thank you