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  2. Seely's Got Talent 2023

Seely's Got Talent 2023

10 January 2023 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers, Before the Christmas holiday, we told the children about Seely's Got Talent and asked them to think about whether they wanted to audition to be in the final show.

Class teachers talked about different talents to the children and they were asked to have a think about it over the holiday.

At the end of this week, we are going to ask children to sign up to audition for Seely's Got Talent.

How you can help:

  • Help your child decide on their talent if they want to audition
  • Make sure they practise at home so they are as ready as they can be to perform in front of an audience
  • Make sure your child has any props they might need on the day of their audition (we will let them know when their audition day is)
  • Talk to your child about the fact that they might not be in the final show as we can only limit this to about 20 acts

The acts that make the final will be decided by the children on the School Council with support from Mr Brand.

We're looking forward to seeing the talents that the Seely children have and we're hoping you'll buy a ticket to see the final show if you want to come!
