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  2. Important Information
  3. IMPORTANT information for September

IMPORTANT information for September

25 July 2022 (by admin)

Please see below for important information regarding school start / finish times when we come back in September. Thank you

Start and end times in September

Dear parents and carers,

From September, start and end times of the school day will revert back to almost as they were before COVID.

The school gates will open in the morning (the front gate and the back gate) at 8.45am. Adults will be able to drop their children at the school gates between 8.45am and 8.55am ready for the children to be seated in their classrooms for the register to be taken at 9.00am. There will not be a specific time for each year group to arrive.

We are asking adults to continue to drop their children off at the school gates as this makes for a smooth and settled start to the day. There will continue to be staff, including Senior Leaders, on the gates each morning to pass on messages that you might have to class teachers or the office.

Because the children will be walking to their classrooms independently, we are asking that only children in years 3 to 6 use the back gate in the mornings. We would also recommend for the first few days of the school year that the year 3 children continue to use the Perry Road entrance until they are confident with the route from the back gate to their classroom.

Children starting in F2 have specific start and pick times – please adhere to the advice given by the Foundation Team.

Children in year 1 and year 2 along with any older siblings (so you can all use the same entrance as a family) should arrive at the Perry Road gate.  As always, we are asking that all Nursery children are dropped off at the Nursery gates each day by an adult.

The school day will return to finishing at 3.30pm for all children. The gates will be opened at 3.20pm for parents and carers to enter the site and collect the children from their classroom doors. Parents and carers can use either gate at the end of the day.  Nursery parents can continue with the current arrangements using the Nursery gates and the KS1 door.

Children in years 5 and 6 can walk home from school on their own with written permission from their parents/carers. We already have this permission for some year 5 children but if your child is in either of those year groups and you would like them to walk home alone, please contact the school for a permission form. There must be somebody aged 16 years old or older waiting at home for your child when they arrive.

Children in F1 to year 4 MUST be collected from school by someone aged 16 years old or older. Please understand that this rule is in place to safeguard the children on their way home from school.

Thanks, Seely