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  2. Important Information
  3. Seely Sports Days 2022

Seely Sports Days 2022

5 July 2022 (by admin)

Venue: Woodthorpe Park (in front of the Manor House)

Year 1 & 2 Tuesday 12th July at 1:45pm 

Year 3 & 4 Thursday 14th July at 1:45pm 

Year 5 & 6 Thursday 14th July at 10:00am 


All parents and carers are welcome. 

Please sit opposite the children and on the other side of the running track. 

Teachers must be informed beforehand if parents/carers wish to take their children home from Woodthorpe Park (after the PM sessions only). 

Photos are permitted but please only share photos of your own children on social media. 

Thank you