A couple of dates for your diary...14 March 2022 (by admin) |
See below dates of the rearranged FOS PTA Meeting and an upcoming clothes swap coffee morning.
Friends of Seely PTA Meeting
This will be taking place this Wednesday at 9.00am in the KS1 Dining room. We will be planning events for the rest of this academic year - please come along with your ideas. If you are interested in getting involved in the PTA but cannot make this meeting please email friendsofseely@gmail.com
Friday 18th March Coffee Morning 9.00am
We will be doing an adult clothes swap this Friday at Coffee Morning. Please bring along your unwanted clean adult clothes to swap for some other clothes. If you do not have any unwanted clothes do come along anyway - you could always give a donation for any items you may like. All remaining clothes will be recycled to charity. Thanks