1. News


19 January 2022 (by admin)

Sherwood Councillors are launching an anti-fly tipping campaign to create awareness about reducing fly-tipping and to make Sherwood a cleaner place to live.

They would like our school to participate in the campaign by asking students to make anti-fly tipping posters with pictures or slogans.

The Councillors will then put the posters up in places like shops in the high street, community centres etc. We would appreciate if you would show your support by encouraging your child to participate to help spread the message.

The posters would need to be brought into school by the morning of Thursday 27th January. There will be a prize for the winner of each phase.

We will be talking about fly tipping in our assemblies this Friday and will announce the winners in the assemblies on Friday 4th February.

The poster template can be found and downloaded via the Parent Liaison pages of the website (see link below). If you are unable to print off a template at home there will be some available at reception.

What is fly tipping?

We know that most people dispose of their rubbish responsibly, but the few that don’t can spoil our neighbourhoods for everybody.

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of items. It could be as small as a single bag of rubbish, or as big as a truckload. It’s all classed as fly-tipping and it’s all illegal. Flytipping in Sherwood Ward has increased by 18% in the last 12 months.

There really is no excuse as Nottingham City Council offer a FREE bulky waste collection service. To arrange for a bulky waste collection, or to report fly-tipping, you can call the Council on 0115 915 5555 or visit their website.