Christmas Event - TOMORROW13 December 2021 (by admin) |
The weather is looking ok so this is a reminder that Years 5 and 6 will be singing in the playground tomorrow at 3.00pm.
Year 5 and 6 parents have been invited to come at 3.00pm. For everyone else it is normal pick up time please to avoid overcrowding on the playground.
There will be refreshments - cakes, hot chocolate and warm cordial. Years 5 and 6 will also be selling items they have made through their enterprise project - they are making money for their end of year celebrations in year 6. There will also be a last chance to buy raffle tickets before the raffle is drawn at 3.45ish.
CAKES - please bring cakes if you can. There will be prizes for children and adults for the best decorated cakes. However please do not feel you have to make cakes - bought ones are fantastic too.
Please bring change, wear masks and remain socially distanced during this event.
Many Thanks.