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International dimensions – our learning so far this year

18 December 2020 (by admin)

We are committed to encouraging our pupils to learn more about the world around them, their relationships with others and their place on our planet as global citizens.

In addition to the discussions we have with the children about world news topics we also strive to improve our children’s knowledge on a weekly basis through taught Spanish lessons. 

This is what the children have been learning in Spanish this term:

Year 1 – greetings, feelings, counting to 10, introduction to 6 colours.

Year 2 – Revisit greetings and feelings, saying their name, plus introducing counting to 20 and 5 more colours. 

The focus in KS1 is on Speaking and listening so there is very little written work

Year 3 – Children begin to record their work and writing is introduced.

Greetings, saying how they feel, numbers to 15 recorded, saying how old they are and colours. 3 different questions. How are you? What is your name?  How old are you?

Year 4 - School equipment (pencil case), introducing plurals and singular nouns, introducing gender of nouns and also using adjectives.  My family, their names and ages, pets.

Year 5 and 6 – Revising Family members, saying their name and age using verbs in 3rd person – working towards writing a paragraph about themselves and family independently.  Flags topics and Spanish Speaking Countries. Sports and learning about conjugating verbs.  Giving opinions of sports.  Practising making negative sentences. Further topic tbc.


Thank you for your ongoing support in the children’s learning, it really does make a massive difference.