Children in Need Day 2020 - Friday 20th November10 November 2020 (by admin) |
On Friday 20th November it is Children in Need day at Seely Primary School. The theme for this year is Together, we can.
Children in Need is asking our communities to come together and pledge support for the UKs children and young people in these difficult times.
Children are allowed to wear non uniform for the day. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we will not be asking for physical cash donations on the day. However, if you’d like to donate you can do so through the online School Gateway method (as you do for school dinners / trips etc) under the “Children in Need 2020” category. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.
There will be different activities taking place in the week leading up to and on the day itself which should all prove to be good fun. These events will also inform the children as to why we have this day and let them know why it is important to think about who the event is aimed at.
It will be a welcome change to see the children in non-uniform and I hope that they all enjoy the day.
Kind regards, Mr Gyekye