Mental Health Support Team
Seely works with Nottingham's Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and has a MHST practitioner, Lyndsey, who works in school every Thursday supporting pupils.
Lyndsey has trained and works alongside our Wellbeing Ambassadors to support pupils who are struggling with anxiety, friendship issues and emotions they are struggling to manage. She also runs workshops for parents to help them support their children at home. This Autumn Term, Lyndsey is running an hour long worries workshop and an hour long friendship workshop in each of the Year 4, 5 and 6 classes.
Lyndsey sees pupils on a one to one basis for individual support, in groups to build friendship circles and holds whole class sessions too. She also holds a lunch club on a Thursday where pupils can drop in to talk to her about their worries.
Pupils can be referred to Lyndsey if staff or parents are worried about their mental health.