Welcome to Year 3 and 4


Miss Dukes



Mr Pendlebury


Mrs Denness-Hulland



Mr Gyekye



Mrs Fothergill


Our Creative Curriculum

This is what the children will learn in all areas of the foundation curriculum this year on Cycle B.

At Seely Primary and Nursery School we are PROUD of our work.

P Write with a sharp PENCIL

R Use a RULER to draw straight lines

O Ooops if you make a mistake, cross out using one line

U Always UNDERLINE dates, BQs and titles

D Draw neatly using a pencil

Topic Homework will be sent out in the form of QED - Question, Explore, Discover.  The children will choose 1 piece of work to complete and an evaluation form each week and bring into school when it is complete. Please find information below about each terms QED


Spellings will no longer be taught using a spelling test and will be simply practised in class. If you want to know the words your child is learning please don't hesitate to speak to their class teacher.


Here are some useful websites for the children to use at home.  They include games to develop children's understanding and safe sites for children to be using to find information.

Top Marks

Timestable Rockstars

Homework Help


Information about reading with your child at home