Chair of Governors Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to the Seely Primary and Infant School website. I hope that through the different features on the website you will be able to get a real understanding of what a special place Seely Primary School is.

As Governors, we are very proud to be part of the local community and are fully committed to working with Mrs Clifford, her staff, the children and parents/carers to ensure that the school has an ambitious curriculum that will keep encouraging our pupils to inspire each other, believe in themselves and succeed in all areas of life.

The governing body helps to set the vision and strategic direction of the school. To achieve this, we work with the school leadership team to identify where the school needs to improve so that every child receives the best possible education within a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. A part of this is ensuring that everyone within the school community is aware of the safeguarding measures implemented by the school. This is key to a successful school and all staff and governors receive the appropriate level of training. To aid our understanding, governors are invited to attend staff safeguarding training so we can feel secure in our knowledge that the school is doing their upmost to protect all children. The school also have a termly safeguarding newsletter to keep the wider school community informed of any safeguarding updates.

In September 2022, the school went through a period of significant change due to the change in Headship. Mrs Clifford has driven big changes in the curriculum which have amplified the school’s ethos of equality, diversity and creativity. The Governing Boby have enjoyed seeing the staff implementing these changes and we are confident that the school is providing a curriculum to ensure that every pupil can thrive. We are here to support the school on its journey by ensuring that appropriate goals are set. This year the focus is set on enhancing the writing curriculum and continuing to develop strategies to improve attendance rates.

Our Governing body consists of a diverse group of people from different walks of life, including parents: the different skill set each governor brings allows us to effectively support and challenge the leadership team as a 'critical friend’. All with the aim of improving all aspects of the school, including raising attainment, attendance and ensuring your child's needs are carefully met.

I became a governor in 2019 and it has been an honour to work with staff and the school community to set a strategic vision for the school. I feel very fortunate to have progressed to Chair of Governors in October 2023 and I am looking forward to helping the school reach its full potential.

Thank you for reading this welcome and do check out our extensive website for much more detailed information about all aspects of our school.

Best wishes,

Mrs Samantha Sandiford, Chair of Governors


Information about our school and our governing body (link to website)

Governor Register of Interests 2023-24 - None to record

Committees Information and Members 2023-24

Attendance 2023-24

Declarations of Interest 2023-24- None to record